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Alzheimer's disease or dementia! Yes, we can do something

Alzheimer's disease or dementia! Yes, we can do something

You already know about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.  You read about it. 

What are your thoughts?

What a powerful shift in mindset it would be for everyone to just appreciate

that, when it comes to Alzheimer's disease or any other form of dementia that

there are things that we can do to prevent/reverse this from happening!!!!!

Yes…..there are things that we can do!!!!!!!!

Then, what can you do now…….

The best way to avoid or reverse cognitive decline is to combine seven (7) foundational strategies that work together to create neuroplasticity: the ability of the brain to establish, maintain and modify synaptic connections. We want to keep these connections in the brain, these synapses.

And when these strategies are practiced together, they create powerful synergy.

So, what are the first steps?

Work on the B7, the Bredesen 7: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, brain stimulation, detox and supplements. Dr. Dale Bredesen amongst others built a protocol called RECODE or PRECODE for REverse COgnitive DEcline or PREventive COgnitive DEcline. 

Why doing the B7? 

Because dementia  is a multi-factorial disease. It was built slowly: too many synthetics/inorganic/chemicals in the foods, toxins in the environment, in water, in the air pollution, to name just a few. These are our toxic load. You can see this load as a bucket.  Each person has their own bucket load. Each one has a unique capacity in detoxifying and get rid or these toxins that are disruptors and block important pathways toward brain health. And we become sick.

So we have to work on many issues from every angle.

Ready for some actions. Let’s start:

 Do a MoCA as a first evaluation.  

It is a 10-minute test, with a certified MoCA practitioner, that will give you a note on 30.  You can re-do this MoCA test 6 months later to reevaluate where you’re at after this period of time. You can do these tests,  every 6 months. MoCA stands for Montreal Cognitive Assessment. 

Or you can do a SLUMS that is similar to MoCA, same principles. SLUMS stands for St-Louis University Mental Status. 

Then, Start with Ketoflex 12/3:

It means that you don’t eat 3 hours before sleep and you fast 12 hours minimum. 

And it can be longer than that. It can be up to 16 hours.

Ex: You stop eating at 19h, you go to bed at 22h and you have your breakfast at 7h the day after ( for a 12-hour fasting) OR you stop eating at 19h, you go to bed at 22h and you have your breakfast at 11h ( for a 16-hour fast).

The idea is to utilize nutrition to support brain health by creating insulin sensitivity, increasing energy, reducing inflammation, improving vascular health and promoting autophagy.

Food is information. By having the right information, your body can do an optimal job, from head to toe.

So you eat a whole foods diet. And by working with your health coach/practitioner trained in REversing COgnitive DEcline for example, you can adjust your vegetables intake, your fats, nuts and seeds intake, etc… to achieve ketosis……It is for vegetarians, vegans, carnivore eaters, etc……the goal is to be nutritarian, meaning that what you eat is nutritious, full of nutrients. And your goal with this nutritarian plan is to become ‘ketosis flexible’ at least once a day. 

 How do you know if you’re in ketosis?

There are devices on the market to verify your level of Butyrate (BHB) for a minimum of 0.5mM. It is this butyrate that is telling you if you’re in ketosis or not.  Keto-mojo is a very nice device and easy to work with. It is good to know your ketosis level and also your glucose level.  We also want to know this glucose level. It is a tool to have to relate with what you are eating.

How do you know if you have nutritional deficiencies?

Micronutrients from SpectaCell is a test that determines your vitamins and minerals levels.

You don’t want to wait and have low levels of minerals or vitamins or any components essential in your biochemistry. Look at a sample report to see the information provided. This test is a gold mine!  

These components are crucial for our biochemistry and for optimal functioning.

 What about hydration?

As we age, we are very often dehydrated. Again, water is used in many bioreactions especially in our brain. Optimization is the goal.  

Try to find a way to increase your intake by having several glasses of filtered or distilled water in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

Choose a bottle especially for that and keep it nearby…all the time.

If it is out of sight, you won’t think about it.

 Are you moving every day? ……the best medicine:  exercise

The list of benefits of exercises is a lllllong one…really.

Think of what you use to love. Think of what can be done right now, this week.

Do you know the 7-minute bodyweight workout? It is an application to put on your phone.

You can start with the 7-minute workout habit for example.

You need a yoga mat, a chair, a wall and that’s it, and …also the decision to do it.

Or do you love yoga? Again, an application can be used. Ex: Yoga Studio

Or do you know Darebee? The list contains a 1-page exercise for everyone and every level.

They have over 100 ideas.

Or there is Everfit, another app that contains a library of exercises. 

The idea is to get moving, to walk, to use your strength, to build your endurance, cardio level, your capacity to be able to…as you age.

Think of what you can do, what is feasible for you right now.

 And sleep?

Work on how you can get to sleep at around 22h.

Your goal is to have a restorative sleep. You know about that. You heard about it.

So what can you do during your evening, to be sure to go to bed at 22h?

Start preparing yourself ahead of time for this goal.

 And what about dementogens?

Have you heard about these disruptive components around you: some cleaners, laundry detergent/softeners, perfumes, BPA, Phthalates, non-stick cooking pans, creams, etc…that contain ingredients/chemicals and disrupt your hormones, wreak havoc your energy and mitochondria. Some organizations worked very hard to identify these components and quote each product to help us choose the better ones, the best one for us. Look at EWG app or thinkdirty app to guide you.

The idea is to reduce/avoid as much as possible these components because they are competing with our minerals, enzymes and functions. 

Decide 1 hour /week to look at a category and slowly change your products for better ones.

At the end of the year, you will have made an impressive turn around.

What about EMF and Wi-Fi?

Make the invisible visible.  Look at Safe Living Technologies inc.website and their guidelines to realize the impact of electromagnetic fields have on us. While having a building biologist or buying an EMF meter can be a second step, creating a distance between yourself and your phone is feasible. Put your phone on airplane mode when you don’t use it. Put your phone away during your sleep.

Put the WIFI at OFF and cable it or your PC from your modem.  You don’t need WIFI to be connected. You can cable your devices and still have internet. Especially, when you are at home!

At least, you reduce the emissions/radiations. There is a lot to say on this topic and a lot of possibilities to reduce these emissions.

 I can go on and on and on…..but the idea here is to understand that there is some easy steps you can decide to do right now.


  1. Do a MoCA or SLUMS
  2. Start the Ketoflex 12/3 by fasting 12 hours and stop eating 3 hours before bed
  3. Buy a Keto Mojo
  4. Do the Micronutrients test from SpectraCell
  5. Buy a SS bottle and have it nearby to increase your filtered water intake
  6. Take the time to look at the exercise applications and choose one
  7. Organize yourself to go to bed no more than 22h.
  8. Decide 1x/week to look at EWG or think dirty app, to change your products slowly
  9. Put your phone on airplane mode as much as possible and reduce your EMF exposition
  10. Reach out for support

 Or choose 1, 2 or 3 actions in this summary!!!!!

Being informed is very good. And while having all this information is very beneficial, doing something with it, is even better! It won’t stay just as an information! It will become an action, 2 actions, 3 actions….and with time, you will realize that you did a lot with all this information.

Knowledge is fantastic. But this knowledge needs to be transformed in actions, don’t you think?

Otherwise, it will just stand as knowledge, right?

You want to know more. You have questions. If you are willing to do something, then don’t hesitate to call!

See you on Practice Better with great pleasure


in English: https://p.bttr.to/3fz9Lld

En Français: https://p.bttr.to/3m4ecqL




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